MBT Katika Potential, a bit like a detective

The teacher give children decorated with many lessons MBT Katika, the boy buried in doing very seriously. As a result, in all the children, he has become one of the fastest completion homework. And with that, the boy was doing nothing, he began to unbearable wandering up.
Wandering boy, to other haven't finished the homework children bring the psychological pressure, they face full of going to overflow and become anxious hastily. Next, place dauphine teacher decided to give the boy find things do.
So, the teacher found the librarian, hope he can give boys arrange a challenging job. The librarian wanted to think, to boys and arranged for a job - library has a stack of CARDS, the above bibliography some are overdue haven't returned MBT Swala, and administrator worry these books actually has returned, but will card clip in the wrong place, so need to find check.
"Isn't that a bit like detective work?" Looking at a lot of CARDS, the boy looked at the teacher asked. To mention the boy's interest, the teacher smiled answered: "yes!" This boy can come, he pep to dry up, like real detective investigation as serious case, he even forgot focused rest, until the teacher came in, the boy called him rest has found three clip wrong CARDS books.
The next morning, the boy always go - always unflappable, came to school early. He found the teacher said: "I haven't finished the work yesterday, I think of the clip wrong CARDS today." find out every book
Boy passion flesh and enthusiastic. Until the afternoon off work, librarian of the boy has been sweating that a stack of CARDS all search check. Watching yesterday and today with CARDS left nothing in the table, the boy is pleased to laugh, feel dry became a great things. Excited boy happily asked the teacher: "whether I was qualified as a true librarian?" The teacher looked at the boy, all excited with an emphatic nodded and said: "there is no doubt, you are a very qualified librarians! I have you so serious administrator proud."
The teacher's praise, let the boy TianZiZi of heart.
A few weeks later, the boy the family moved to a nearby regions, the former boy won't transfer is dimension especially
Richie school library, he is a full face worry ground to ask teacher  MBT Tabia: "aftertime who come to find those lost book?"
As time goes by, the teacher suddenly some slowly, think he do miss boy focus and enthusiasm of my fellowmen. A few days later, the boy suddenly appeared in front of the teacher, very cheerily say: "there school library won't let me work, mom and I turned back to the next, YouLiJi. This dimension and I can look for those lost book."
Look at the boy, the teacher face the sun I thought: "children, do the concentration in the future that could arrive at their own any certain goals." The teacher although have predicted, but he also didn't think anyway, this in a library card check the boy eventually become today the information age prodigy.
This year, the boy today information age of wonder who exactly? He is king Bill Gates of Microsoft global and USA today, is the most wealthy person, he company production of software throughout every corner of the world. What prompted this looks very ordinary boy got these incredible success? In fact, the truth is very obvious, the boy's body hide those potential success - diligence, tenacity, responsible.
In the pursuit of the road sweating people, might as well that Bill Gates to the check card boy in his study, for the mirror, let potential success get maximum mining and play.
Par holyvitusjp le vendredi 03 juin 2011


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