MBT Koshi The love story hedgehog and fish

A lone hedgehogs often come to walk along the river alone. Willow swaying gently in the breeze MBT Karibu, LiuXu swirl to hold down, this time, young hedgehogs will stop looking at water willow reflection, looking at the aquatic his own shadow, silently rapture.
A fish swim quietly come over, swam into the heart of the hedgehog, broken the dream of the aquatic.
"Why are you always so sad?" Fish silently ask the hedgehog.
"I mope?" The hedgehog smile and reply.
Fish gently watched hedgehog, silently touching hedgehog sadness MBT Kifundo, said softly: "let me warm your heart."
Oh god, fish and hedgehog love!
God said, you see a fish and hedgehog love?
Hedgehog said: "I will put prickles pecked and I don't want to pull in our when stab you hug."
The fish say: "don't, how do I bear to see your that a trickle of blood stream down from my heart? That blood." the dripping come out
Hedgehog said: "because I love you! Love does not need a reason."
The fish say: "but you remove the sting is not you. I just want to give you happiness..."
Hedgehog said: "I would rather for you a little tear yourself......"
In a little hedgehog pulled his prickles, each is a pull out the pain and due every painful in fish heart. Fish desire and do a deep feeling of hedgehog embracing it repeatedly Banks up every jumps to every dream is, every dream is the pain of every crumbles.
Fish said to god, "how can let me have a feet, I'll walk over to the lover's side?"
God said: "children MBT Koshi, please forgive my helpless, because you is supposed to have no feet."
The fish say: "don't I love wrong?"
God said: "love never wrong."
The fish say: "how to do to give my love to happiness?"
God said: "please turn!"
Fish swam away, in the vast resolutely under the waters, fish scales glittering in the fading hedgehog eyes.
Hedgehog said: "oh god, fish have tears?"
God said: "fish tears flowed in the water."
Oh god, what is love?
God say love, sometimes need to learn how to let go.
Par holyvitusjp le jeudi 09 juin 2011


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